Health Articles
Systemic Health & Its Impact on Your Eyes
Informing a 42-year-old man that he was losing his vision due to uncontrolled diabetes stands out as one of the most difficult moments in my clinical practice. He had disregarded medical recommendations, putting both his vision and his life at risk. Unfortunately, this story is all too common…
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Beyond the Blackboard: Children's Vision Affects Learning
Vision is not just about seeing clearly, it plays a crucial role in our ability to learn and develop. Vision involves a complex interaction between the eyes, brain, and surrounding environment. From infancy, proper visual development is essential for children to be able to make sense of the world…
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Aging Eyes? Here’s What to Look For
September is “Healthy Aging” Month and, while you may not buy into the theme-of-the-month concept, it is a good reminder to consider the three most common eye issues that can come with collecting more birthdays: cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma…
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Screen Time and Dry Eye: Here’s the Connection
Between computers, smartphones, and TVs, excessive screen time has become a major part of our lives, but it brings along significant discomfort for our eyes. This discomfort stems from dry eye and, to some extent, eye strain. Unfortunately, these symptoms are frequently misattributed to other causes…
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Beyond Carrots: Better Nutrition for Better Vision
As the year draws to a close marking a time of celebration, gatherings with family and friends become more frequent. With food playing a significant role in these festivities, it's important to discuss nutrition and its impact on your ocular and overall health…
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Glaucoma: Understanding the "Silent Thief of Sight"
Imagine a high-quality camera, a powerful computer, and a USB cable that is damaged. How well do you think the pictures from your camera are going to transfer to the computer? Similarly, glaucoma is a condition where there is damage to your optic nerve because the pressure in your eye is higher…
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For more advice or to schedule a comprehensive eye exam, call (781) 352-4849 or come see us at 696 Washington Street in Norwood.